Nordic Test Forum (NTF) organization was established during Test Forum 2001 conference but has its roots back the late eighties, where it originated as an event for the Norwegian electronics industry. However, in the late 2001 a group of people from Sweden, Norway and Denmark established the network, Nordic Test Forum. Later on, this activity (including the Test Forum conference) was extended to include all the Nordic countries.
The purpose of NTF is to be a forum where test engineers and other individuals with an interest in electronics test, can exchange experiences, ideas and other knowledge with relevance for the electronics industries within the Nordic countries. The main focus is on manufacturing test of printed circuit board assemblies and electronic systems. In addition to open meetings on specific topics, the group also arranges the Test Forum as an annual conference. The content and focus of the Test Forum varies over time, but always within topic areas in focus at a given point in time.
If you want to join the NTF organization you may register on this page. Joning NTF is FREE of charge!
The NTF by-laws (pdf).
The NTF GDPR Privacy Policy (pdf).
The NTF executive committee is:
- Knut Båtstoløkken, Kitron AS (Chairman) (N)
- Birger Schneider, Chamaj Consult (Treasurer) (DK)
- Bjørn B Larsen, NTNU (Secretary) (N)
- Lars Kongsted-Jensen, EP-TeQ (DK)
- Stig-Gunnar Jensen, Delta Electronics AS (N)
- Artur Jutman, Testonica Lab (EST)
- Erik Larsson, Lund University (S)
- Mattias Ericsson, QESTIT Systems AB (S)
- Paulius Musteikis, UAB Kitron (LT)
- Mats Klarholm, Columbia Elektronik (S)
- Raimedas Sodaitis, EP-TeQ Lithuania (LT)
- Mika Pussinen, Nokia (FIN)
- Thomas Goetz, Keysight Technologies (associate member) (GER)
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