Test Forum 2013, November 26th – 27th 2013

Swissotel, Tallinn, Estonia

Download PDF booklet here!


The 2 day Nordic Test Forum is a major event for Test professionals in the Nordic area and Baltic states. Every year the Test Forum is attended by the industry’s key persons as well as by international vendors of test and measurement equipment and solutions.


Nordic Test Forum has its main emphasis on issues relevant to production managers, engineers and technicians working in the fields of production, test, inspection and validation of electronics. At Nordic Test Forum events we offer technically relevant presentations on methodology, tools, modules/instruments and available technology. The interaction between users and suppliers within the focus areas is an important asset of the Test Forum, and this balance and interaction is pursued in presentations, panel discussions, and in the planning of the events.

Key dates

  • 16th September: Abstract submission.
  • 30th September: Notification of acceptance
  • 6th November: Conference registration deadline. The registration is still possible. Some hotel rooms are available too.
  • 18th November: Presentation slides

Format of the event

  • The event is a two-day workshop and a small exhibition attached to it.
  • The presentations will be 30 minutes each; 25 minutes of speech and 5 minutes for questions/comments.
  • During the exhibition, attendees will have a chance to see the latest equipment and talk to exhibitors.
  • 25th November in the evening there is the Annual General Assembly of the NTF.
  • The mix of presentations will decide the number of sessions.

Nordic Test Forum aims at

  • Creating and sustaining a relevant, balanced and coherent interaction between users as well as between users and suppliers of solutions for test, inspection, validation and production of electronics.
  • Providing an up-to-date view on new methodologies and tools for relevant test, inspection, validation and production of electronics.
  • Establishing a relevant and balanced view on equipment, systems, tools and software from tool vendors in the domain.


As usually, a mini exhibition will take place in frames of Nordic Test Forum event where vendors are welcome to present their tools and methodologies related to production test. Exhibitors can make arrangements with NTF about exhibition space. If nothing special has been agreed, a table of about 70x140 cm2, as well as space for posters or similar material will be provided. Every exhibitor will be given about 5-minute slot in the program for a brief introduction.


At the event, NTF will deliver a USB memory stick that holds accepted contributions of authors that wish to provide the corresponding materials.

Target Audience

Engineers and technicians, managers and planners within the fields of electronics production and test, in-spection and validation. Includes also decision makers in organizations that procure equipment, tools and systems for production and test, inspection and validation of electronics.