TestForum 2003
December 2 - 3, 2003, at Comwell Borupgaard, Snekkersten, Denmark
TestForum is an annual event that Nordic Test Forum (NTF)
runs every fall/early winter. NTF also runs 2 to 3 thematic events
during a year, but these are focused events addressing basically only
one topic area, each in the area of test and inspection of electronics,
whereas TestForum typically has 3-thematic areas and cover the broader
balance of test and inspection as well.
This year the number of attendants where around 50 and came from the
Nordic countries as well as from Germany, Great Britain, France, The
Netherlands and USA.
Key note speaker Stig Öresjö (Agilent Technologies, USA) presented "Test
strategies yesterday, today and tomorrow".
More invited speakers where Michael J. Smith (Teradyne Assembley Test
Division, USA) presenting "The effects of Business and Technology on
Image Inspection" and Göran Wetter (IVF, Industrial R&D Corp., Sweden)
presented "Real-time microfocus X-ray - a tool for quality control and
failure analysis of electronics". Gunnar Carlsson (Ericsson, Sweden) had
to stay in bed, but had prepared the presentation "System Test and
Boundary Scan".
The three sessions where
1. Boundary Scan - System test
2. Functional test and fixtures
3. AOI/AXI inspection
The panel session was "Does AOI/AXI remove the need for ICT and
functional test?"
The answer was NO! All techniques are needed, however it is product
dependent, what technique to use.
 Conference manager Birger Schneider (MicroLex A/S)
 From Left Mick Austin (JTAG Technologies, Finland), Knut Baatstoloekken (Kitron Arendal A/S, Norway) and Birger Schneider (MicroLex A/S, Denmark)
 From left Ole Fleaker (Buskeby University College), Bengt Magnhagen (Jonkoping University), Stig Oresjo (Agilent Technology)
 Knut Baatstoloekken (Kitron Arendal A/S), President Nordic Test Forum
 From left Birger Schneider (MicroLex), Stig-Gunnar Jensen, (Flextronics Design A/S), Ole H. Flesaker (Buskerud University College)
 Stig Oresjo (Agilent Technologies, USA) invited speaker, originally from Motala, Sweden.
 From left Biger Schneider (MicroLex A/S), Knut Baatstoloekken (Kitron A/S), Mick Austin (JTAG)
 From left Mikael Löfbom, Hans-Erik Uleander (Saab Test Systems AB, Sweden)
 Pete Collins (JTAG, The Netherlands)
 Secretary Suzanne Holte, (MicroLex)
 Mick Austin (JTAG) and Olivier Wilms (National Semiconductor, France)
 Olivier Wilms, (National Semiconductor)
 From left Mick Austin (JTAG), Michael J. Smith (Teradyne, USA)
 Happy members at dinner table
 Cosy discussions at another table
 Bo Öhrwall (Pickering Interfaces AB) left and Knut Bootstoloekken right (laughing?).
 Night discussions, from lefr Kari Uimarihuhta (Sanmina-SCI, Finland, Mehrdad Ghaffarpour (Simrad Egersund A/S), Karl-Erik Gustavson (Elnitec AB) and Knut Bootstoloekken (Kitron Arendal A/S)
 Mehrdad Ghaffarpour (Simrad Egersund A/S) and Lars-Erik Gustavson (Elnitec AB)
 Loudly chatting in the pub at late night
 Stefan Becker (Phoenix X-ray, Germany)
 On the ferry boat from Helsingoer to Helsingborg
The photographer Bengt Magnhagen